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Laser Hair Reduction

Nurture Women's Health -  - OBGYN

Nurture Women's Health

OBGYNs & Pelvic Health, Incontinence and Sexual Medicine Specialists located in Frisco, TX

Unsightly body or facial hair can take a toll on your self-confidence, but you might not have time for routine shaving, waxing, or plucking. Fortunately, the expert OB/GYN and med spa specialists at The Stella Med Spa at Nurture Women's Health in Frisco, Texas, offer simple solutions. They use YAG and Alexandrite lasers to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. Schedule a laser hair reduction appointment by phone or online to get started today.

Laser Hair Reduction Q & A

What is laser hair reduction?

Laser hair reduction is a permanent hair removal solution that uses advanced laser technology to get rid of unwanted hair on your:

  • Upper lip
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Belly
  • Underarms
  • Bikini area

There’s no surgery or downtime required with laser hair reduction at The Stella Med Spa at Nurture Women’s Health. Practitioners have experience treating patients with all skin types, tones, and levels of sun exposure. They use multiple laser types, including YAG and Alexandrite laser technology.


Is laser hair reduction right for me?

To find out if you’re a candidate for laser hair reduction your Nurture Women’s Health med spa specialist reviews your medical history and examines your skin. If you have unwanted facial or body hair and are tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing, the procedure is likely a good match for you.


How should I prepare for treatment?

To prepare for laser hair reduction at The Stella Med Spa at Nurture Women’s Health, following the instructions given that includes:

  • Avoid using sunless tanning creams
  • Protect your skin from the sun
  • Avoid blood-thinning medications before treatment
  • Don’t pluck, wax, or use electrolysis before treatment
  • Shave the treatment area the day before your appointment

Properly preparing for your procedure helps you achieve the best possible outcome.


What happens during laser hair reduction?

When you arrive at a laser hair reduction appointment at The Stella Med Spa at Nurture Women’s Health, you relax in a comfortable chair. Your physician gives you special glasses to wear to protect your eyes. They numb the treatment area to make your procedure feel comfortable.

Your practitioner uses a handheld device to apply laser energy to your skin. It might feel like warm pinpricks or a rubber band snapping, but numbing cream diminishes this sensation. The length of time your procedure lasts depends on the size of the areas treated.


What should I expect after the procedure?

After laser hair reduction, your skin might be a little red or swollen. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers or apply ice to the area to relieve discomfort. Make sure to protect your skin from the sun. 

Over the next few days or weeks, treated hair begins falling out. Multiple laser hair reduction treatments with periodic maintenance sessions can offer you the best outcome.

Don’t live with facial or body hair that bothers you or settle for routine waxing, plucking, or shaving. Schedule a laser hair reduction appointment with The Stella Med Spa at Nurture Women’s Health by phone or online today.